Saturday, August 30, 2008

Totah Festival

I'm back to work in Farmington, shooting one of my favorite events of the year, the Totah Festival. The pow wow continues tomorrow and I'm looking forward to shooting more after some rest!

Through the shawl of another dancer, Cree Rain Frank, 14, is seen dancing in the Fancy Shawl competition Saturday at the Totah Festival Pow Wow.

Barack Obama's Speech at Invesco Field

Video and editing by Lindsay Pierce

Arriving Early for Barack Obama's Speech

Video and editing by Lindsay Pierce

Clinton Releases Her Delegates

Video and editing by Lindsay Pierce

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Videos from the DNC

Having lots of fun and little sleep. Here is a little evidence: (I did the filming and editing on both videos)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Democratic National Convention!!

I'm in Denver! I just missed a tornado on my drive here yesterday, but witnessed one of the most beautiful skies I've ever seen:

Check out the Denver Post's website for outstanding coverage of the DNC:
Photos and multimedia site: